Reinforced Earth Wall Block
Retaining walls higher than 4.2m become more expensive using the gravity retaining wall solution. Our next solution is a reinforced earth wall.
In the image to the right, the block of earth directly behind the wall is the reinforced earth wall. This is constructed by laying earth fill in layers with a geo mat between each layer. The reinforced earth wall then becomes the structural element that will retain the earth behind it.
The Virtabloc acts as the facing to the wall and protects it from the elements and erosion.
The block face is help in position using the geo mat that is embedded within the earth wall and wraps around a tie bar cast into the block.
The walls can be designed for up to a 150 year life span.
Design Service
Reinforced earth walls are constructed using the retained earth. The design requires a geotechnical engineer who will look at the retained material for suitability. If you think a reinforced earth wall is the right solution for your project we can design the wall for you. Call 0800 880 3135 during business hours or complete our contact form and we will make contact with you.
Reinforced Block Wall Design Table
Geo Grid
We use E’Grid uniaxial geogrid with our Virtabloc to design and build reinforced earth walls. E’Grid is laid and fill material placed on top. This is then consolidated and a second layer placed over it. This process is repeated until the wall is finished.
We build our reinforced earth walls in 300 mm fill layers as this fits in well with the dimensions of our blocks at 600mm.
E’Grid reinforcement improves the bearing capacity and safety of the structure making savings on construction cost.
We selected E’Grid as our preferable geo mat due to its strength and competitive pricing for customers.
The design life of E’Grid and our Virtabloc facing is 120 years.
The table below show the various strength of each type of E’Grid. The selection depends on the design of the wall.