5 Must Watch Construction TED Talks!
Construction TED Talks Introduction
Here at Blockwalls, some of our biggest and most valued clients are from the Construction Industry. Most of the staff here have Construction and Engineering backgrounds too.
For that very reason alone we’d like to share some of the greatest Ted Talks across the web on these very subjects.
With the amount of content across the web on every subject imaginable, it’s easy to become overwhelmed, lost and very frustrated looking for good, honest content that just gives you what you want.
Ted is a non-profit organisation committed to spreading ideas and wisdom usually in the form of inspiring talks of 20 minutes or less on the subjects that matter to you as an individual.
So kick back, put your ear phones in, and enjoy the 5 must watch TED Talks on Construction and Engineering.
Alastair Parvin |Architechture
Alastair, presents a simple yet powerful idea: what if regular citizens instead of Architects could design and build their own homes. Alastair is a big advocate of making architecture accessible to the entire population
Peter Haas| Building Activist
Peter Co-Founded AIDG, (The Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group) in 2005, an organisation which assists individuals and communities get access to electricity, sanitation, and clean water through Outreach, education and business Incubation. Here he talks of the Haiti disaster and why he feels it wasn’t a natural disaster but rather a disaster of engineering.
Doris Kim-Sung | Biology student
Architect, Doris, specialises in thermos-bi metals smart materials that respond dynamically to temperature change. With over 1m views this video is certainly well worth a watch.
Dan Philips| Builder
Dan is a builder and designer from Texas. In the late 1990’s he and his wife founded the Phoenix Commotion, a Construction company which builds affordable housing from reclaimed and recycled materials, with the intention of diverting landfill whilst creating sustainable houses for families on low incomes. Great video and almost 1m views already.
Dan Ariely | Behavioural Economist.
The final video in our list isn’t about Construction or engineering directly however covers what motivates us to work. Is it financial reward? Or is it Joy? Dan performs 2 eye-opening experiments that will have you gasping. I’m sure everyone who watches this will be able to relate to Dan’s talk.
Well there it is. 5 of our favourite talks on TED and we hope you enjoy them too. We hope that they have provided you with some inspiration, and also some food for thought about your own role or work-life balance.
We’d love to hear from you on Twitter if you have any favourite TED talks which have inspired or helped you.